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Service providers expose bindings through a Secret resource with data required for connectivity. The specification’s Provisioned Service section describes this in detail. Alternatively, the specification also supports Direct Secret Reference. The only requirement for Direct Secret Reference is a Secret resource with data required for connectivity. Alternatively, if you are creating a Provisioned Service (preferred approach), you also need a custom resource with attribute pointing to the Secret resource.

Here is an example custom resource:

kind: Database
  name: database-service
    name: production-db-secret

In the previous example, production-db-secret is the name of the Secret resource with data entries required for connectivity. The Secret resource should contain a type entry that can be used for identifying the service. It helps the application to identify the service as a relational database, key-value store, or a cache server. There is no standardization on the value for type, but you can see some good examples in the Spring Cloud Bindings. A few examples:

The Secret resource’s type field should have a special value based on the type data entry value. The expected format is{type}. For example, if the value for type data entry is mysql, then the Secret resource’s type field value should be This recommendation helps to query Secret resources of particular type using field-selector. For example:

kubectl get secrets --field-selector=""

will give the Secret resources of mysql type.

Similar to the type data entry, spec also recommends to add a provider entry to identify the provider. The provider data entry is a further classification of the type.

Here is an example Secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: production-db-secret
  type: mysql
  provider: bitnami
  host: localhost
  port: 3306
  username: root
  password: root

In this example, bitnami is the provider indicating the service was provisioned from the Bitnami catalog. Use any appropriate value for services you provision that indicates to workloads how to consume the service. For a known type and provider, a workload should be able to know how to consume the service.

Well-known Secret Entries

Apart from the special type, and provider entries in the Secret data, there are few special words, if used must follow certain restrictions for the values. These are called well-known entries.

Name Requirements
host A DNS-resolvable host name or IP address
port A valid port number
uri A valid URI as defined by RFC3986
username A string-based username credential
password A string-based password credential
certificates A collection of PEM-encoded X.509 certificates, representing a certificate chain used in mTLS client authentication
private-key A PEM-encoded private key used in mTLS client authentication

If there is any entry that doesn’t follow the given requirement, you can choose different names. For example, if there is a URI-like string but not a valid one, as per RFC-3986, use another name (e.g., “custom-uri”). If a service has multiple values for a key, consider a dot-delimited prefix (e.g. “amqp.port” or “mqtt.port”) reusing the prefix with other keys as appropriate.

Considerations for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

As a service provider, you can create a ClusterRole with the label and the verbs get, list, and watch listed in the rules. Service Binding implementations use these permissions to lookup the service resource and read the binding secret name from its status when referenced by a ServiceBinding. Here is an example ClusterRole:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: examples-service-bindings
  labels: "true" # matches the aggregation rule selector
- apiGroups:
  - databases
  - get
  - list
  - watch

In the above example, the API group for the backing service CRD is and the resource name (plural form) is databases. You can change those values as per your Provisioned Service. When your operator is getting installed, make sure this cluster role is also installed.

Real World Examples

  1. RabbitMQ Operator
  2. Kafka Access Operator
  3. External Secrets Operator